
My name is Cemre Efe Karakas.

I am a programmer & software engineer living in London. I write on my blog about software, hobbies, my personal experiences with life in general.

In my leasure time I enjoy reading about retro tech, digital and analog tech history. I love discussing alternative social web structures, sustainable software development. Lately thinking a lot about minimising addiction & distraction, promoting positive interactions and user-centered design around social spaces and applications. I have made an attempt at a mindful social media application called "Untitled Diary App", blog post pending on the topic.

Another long-lasting hobby of mine is just languages in general. I very much take pleasure from getting lost in obscure languages' wikipedia pages. I'm interested in making language learning free & accessible. I founded an language e-learning platform, Lisan, to help communities preserve and revive their cultural languages. I must admit it is due a rewrite as I wrote 90% of the code as a junior year university student.

If you are interested in hiring me, check out my cv.

For blogs that caught my eye, see github.com/cemreefe/favourite-blogs

Blog posts